Ghina: Visit Japan Diary Day 4

Thursday, January 21st, 2016.

Today we were going around Kyoto. We were off at 9.00 am and went there by train. In Kyoto, we went around with bus tour package that started from Kyoto Station.

Visit Japan

Our first destination was Kiyomizudera. We have to walk an uphill road to go there, but you don’t have to worry, there are a lot of souvenirs shop so I think you will not be tired at all. I bought custard and green tea cream puff there when we went back from Kiyomizudera ^^
You can see remaining snow on the temple’s roof because a day before, it was snowing in Kyoto. I also tried to drink from the spring. You can only choose one flow because drink from all flow is considered greedy.

Visit Japan

Visit Japan

Visit Japan

Visit Japan

Our next destination was Sanjusangen-do. It was a Buddhist temple with thousand armed Kannon statues and 28 deities’ reliefs. Unfortunately, we were prohibited to take picture so I just took it in front of the temple. In my opinion, this place was super cool! Definitely must visit.

Visit Japan

After that, e continued our journey to Arashiyama. We went to Kimono Forest where kimono fabrics were put in a tube. You can see them glow if you come at night.

Visit Japan

Then we went to a very picturesque site, Bamboo Forest or some people call it Bamboo Groove. The place was so calming and green. So many tourists took pictures at that time, so did we ^^

Visit Japan

Visit Japan

Next destination was Kinkakuji. This was also very famous site in Kyoto. Though not really big, but it worths your visit. We were lucky enough that when we came, tourists were not really much.

Visit Japan

Kinkakuji was the last destination on the bus tour package, but we still had time so went to Fushimi Inari Shrine which are famous with its thousand red gate. You can climb to the peak for about two hours long, but since we came on almost evening so we just went until middle level.

Visit Japan

Visit Japan

We continued our journey to AEON Mall and having dinner there. I ordered Egg and Cheese Kare Rice and Blue Kakigori

Visit Japan

Our last destination before going back to hotel was Skywalk at Kyoto Station. You can cross Kyoto Sation from above. It was so beautiful, especially we came at night. Kyoto Tower was glowing and looked so close.

Visit Japan

We went back to the hotel after that. We still had one more journey the next day. So excited!
So this is the end of The Fellowship of Japan Lovers day 4.
You can also read my blog for longer story

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