Taste the Legendary “Amazake” Drink at Amanoya - A 160 year-old shop in Tokyo

※This article was published at September 2015.※

Located just in front of the Kanda Myojin Shrine, the small shop ‘Amanoya’ is an institution in Tokyo for making and serving delicious “Amazake” (fermented rice drink) for almost 160 years!


If you’re going to the Kanda Myojin Shrine near Akihabara and Ochanomizu, try taking a break at Amanoya.

This shop makes something called “Amazake”, a sweet fermented rice drink produced since the 19th century.
The basement made in stone has developed natural microscope fungus growing on it’s walls and ceiling which is a natural way to make the rice fermentates. 


This natural process leads to the famous “Amazake” drink which you can take hot or cold in Amanoya.

Since it’s summer, I chose the cold one and it was served with some salty miso paste on the side. Just eat some before or after drinking to create a sweet balance.


“Amazake” served at Amanoya has a less sweetness but more natural and rich flavor than the factory made “Amazake” you can have at the supermarket.


The shop also served many traditional hot and cold Japanese sweets like this strawberry syrup and condensed milk shaved ice. 


It’s such a pleasure to have a break there looking at the small garden and hearing one of the many wind bells shaken by the wind. 


Can you believe that a beautiful shop like this is just right behind busy Akihabara?


Site: http://www.amanoya.jp/

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