What's Salary Man?

サラリーマン Sarariman or in English called “Salary Man” is a noun. Salary Man is someone who is working with a suit and works in a company.

Being a Salary Man is essencial with these important three charactoristics: “First Impressions or 身だしなみ(みだしなみ)Midashinami”. Secondly, “ONTIME or 時間を守る(じかんをまもる) Jikan o mamoru”. And finally, “Responsiblilty or 責任がある(せきにんがある)Sekinin ga aru”

There is also one thing that you should know Japanese people are diligent, they are really focused to do the things that they are told to do...they even work from 7 to 12 and night and go home by the last train which is called 終電(しゅうでん)Shuuden around 1 olock in the morning.. often called 働きすぎ(はたらきすぎ)hatarakisugi = work too much

That’s the three main rules that you have to obey, without that I don’t think you will be a good salaryman.


This is an example of Salaryman


Can you see the man with White Shirts they are all Salaryman.


And these are the students from my school who are going to graduate and work as a salaryman and salarywoman.


This is the basic look of a salaryman and salarywoman, both must have nice clean hair (usually black color), shirt (usually white), suit (usually black) and A4 size bag.
Man should wear a tie, the shirt should be perfectly white, and the pants that they use should have a line in the middle of the pants like showed in the picture.
Woman should have a bit of make up, but not to much,you can use accessories but not too many, but most important is that, you must use a skirt which length should cover your knee or just nice. :)

Lets try to dress well, to be on time, and be responsible like a Japanese salaryman and salarywoman. :)

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