★Visit Japan Campaign★ Trip to Chilly Narusawa Ice Cave and Beautiful Fuji Shibazakura Vol.3

Visit Japan Narusawa Fuji Shibazakura

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Deadline pendaftaran : 17 Juli 2017
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Hi guys!

This time AL and Memmy wanna report about the winners activity on their second day in Japan.
They went to Narusawa Ice Cave and Fuji Shibazakura.

After waking up early in the morning, all 4 of the winners got in the bus.
Mama, Dear, Winy and Jojo were ready with their game face!
Look at Winy with her big sunglasses!

Narusawa Ice Cave Fuji Shibazakura

Both Narusawa ice cave and Fuji Shibazakura are located nearby Mount Fuji.
We can see the mountain from the bus on the way. We also passed Fujikyu Highland theme park.
You can see the roller coaster of the theme park in the photo below. Unfortunately, it was a cloudy day so we couldn’t see the top of the Mount Fuji >.<

Narusawa Ice Cave Fuji Shibazakura

After 1.5 hours of bus ride, we arrived at Narusawa Ice Cave. The ice cave is very beautiful. It is one of nationally designated Natural Monuments in Japan.
In the middle of winter, the dripping water builds up the ice pillars that grow to 1 meter!
Time to take photo in front of the entrance!

Narusawa Ice Cave Fuji Shibazakura

If you pay attention to clothes worn by the winners, you can see that all of them wore thick clothes.
Yup, Narusawa ice cave is indeed very cold. Its yearly average temperature is 3 degree Celcius!

We went there on Tuesday. Although it was a normal working day, the queue was quite long. However, it did not break the spirit of our winners to see the cave! Cheese!!!

Narusawa Ice Cave Fuji Shibazakura

The journey to the center of cave was very challenging! The stair was steep and a bit slippery.
Oyeah, if you have claustrophobia and are afraid of small or closed place, we recommend you not to go to this kinda place, hehe.

Once inside it, we could see blocks of freezing ice.
It looks like our winners had chosen their clothes wisely. It is very chilly inside here!!

Narusawa Ice Cave Fuji Shibazakura

From the center of the cave, we climbed back to the entrance. We were very tired, but in the same time very amazed by the beauty of the cave.
After taking short break, we rode back on the bus going to Fuji Shibazakura.

Fuji Shibazakura is located at the base of Mt. Fuji. There are around 800,000 shibazakura or “moss phlox” here.
Here the winners were posing in front of Mount Fuji shaped shibazakura, beautiful, isn’t it?

Narusawa Ice Cave Fuji Shibazakura

Not only full of flowers. The surrounding scenery is stunningly beautiful. It has lakes and surrounded by mountains. The area of this site is also very large and spacious.
That’s why we could take nice landscape photo like this.

Narusawa Ice Cave Fuji Shibazakura

Because there are wide range of beautiful flowers here, our winners were enthusiast to take photos of the flowers.
Here is Dear taking photo of flowers called Japanese Andromeda!

Narusawa Ice Cave Fuji Shibazakura

The site also has food court selling various tasty Japanese foods.
Dear and Mama were eating udon tempura and chicken kara-age. Jojo and Winy were eating many things here from mocha, fried fish, chicken kara-age to taiyaki.
Let’s see their happy face eating the foods :)

Narusawa Ice Cave Fuji Shibazakura

Narusawa Ice Cave Fuji Shibazakura

These are more photos of the winners in Fuji Shibazakura.

Narusawa Ice Cave Fuji Shibazakura

What do you think about their trip guys?
Do you also want to go Narusawa Ice Cave and Fuji Shibazakura?

If you want to learn more about both places, you can check it out here:
Narusawa Ice Cave
Fuji Shibazakura

Next up we are gonna report about our winners trip to the huge Kurobe Dam.
See you in next article guys!

Visit Japan 2 Series
Welcome to Japan
Kurobe Dam
