Bonsai Cafe

※This article was published at

 April 2015


Bonsai is a Japanese art form to create and miniaturize trees in a small containers.

The word “bon” means a tray or a shallow dish, and “sai” means planting.

Literally, it is planted in a container.

It has been around for over thousand years, and it always has been popular now and then, here in Japan and also overseas.

To be patient is what you need more than anything to have Bonsai art for a hobby.

The ultimate goal of growing a Bonsai is to create a miniaturized but realistic representation of nature in the form of a tree.

Tokyu Hands(Japanese department store) in Shibuya opened “Bonsai Cafe”  temporarily  between 16th of February to 5th of April in collaboration with The Omiya Bonsai Art Museum Saitama and Omiya Bonsai Cooperative.

The demonstration by Bonsai professionals and a workshop and a talk show by a curator will be hold.

A whole floor of cafe has got quiet and soothing atmosphere just like Bonsai.



Original goods that are only available at the museum and other items related to Bonsai are on sale at this cafe. 
It is interesting to learn about Bonsai, I spent nearly a few hours there.


I purchased this cute little momiji-bonsai (the Japanese maple tree).
It is a kind that to grow from the seeds.  
I can’t wait to take care of it, although I have to wait for at least 3 years to see the momiji leaves.


What you see on their menu is also remarkable.
“Moss -Bonsai-Parfait” on the picture left is matcha parfait for 490 yen.
Matcha pudding, whipped cream, sweet beans and matcha flavor sponge cake are underneath.
Bonsai latte art is done on “Matcha latte-Bonsai” on the picture right. 
It is available for 480 yen.
Needless to say, they both are delicious!

Experience “Wabi-Sabi” the Japanese nature and beauty.

Tokyu Hands Shibuya Store 
ADDRESS: 12-18 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
TEL: 03-5489-5111
HOUR: 10:00AM-9:00PM
Limited only Feb 16th-April 5th


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