Where to Go When You Need Wifi? Free Wifi Spots for Internet Refugees in Japan


When you are on travel outside of the world without smartphone access, you noticed how you are spoiled by this small device in your daily life. Some of us can surely enjoy the moment without it, though most of us want to rely on the device when you want to find the route to go to the place you want to go, where to eat lunch and general information about the city you are in. If you face the situation, next thing you need to find a place you can get wifi access, possibly for free. It might be hard for you if you are just visiting or new to the city. We have a solution for you. Here is the complete list of places you can get an wifi access throughout Japan. All of them are franchised cafes and convenience stores you can find everywhere throughout Japan so run into one of the places if you become an internet refugee while you are in Japan.

Convenience stores

Some of the franchised convenience stores offer free wifi. In fact, you can get free wifi access in three major chains so those can be your sanctuary when you need to connect to the internet desparatedly.

Seven Eleven
Seven Eleven, the biggest convenience store chain in Japan has free wifi spot called “7 SPOT”. In order to use it, find “7SPOT” out from the wifi list on your smartphone. Next, open the browser and try to access any pages and the page will be redirected to 7SPOT portal. If you have never used 7 SPOT before, you need to register for a 7SPOT membership so input your information and register. After registration, you will receive a confirmation email and access to the URL appeared in the mail address. Then log into 7SPOT and you will access to wifi.

Another major convenience store, Lawson offers free wifi as well. The registration is more simpler than Seven Eleven. First connect to SSID named “LAWSON_Free_Wifi” then open the browser and the page opened is redirected to the portal site. Click the big blue button at the bottom of the page says, “Connect to Wifi” (“インターネットに接続する” in Japanese). Here all you need to do is to input your email address and click the blue button in the bottom to register and go through a few more pages for double confirmation of the internet and explaining security safety. They have an English page available.


Lastly, FamilyMart has free wifi services as well. In order to access to the wifi there, connect your device to SSID, “Famima_Wi-Fi”. Open the browser then the page opened is redirected to the portal site which shows terms of use in Japanese. Click the checking box says to agree for the provided information and click the bottom says “OK”. After that a new page appears, then scroll down to the bottom and click “register for a new membership”(初回利用登録). Terms of use is appeared again so do the same process as the first one. Registration form is appeared next so input the required information on each section. 1:メールアドレス is where you put your email address twice for checking. 2:パスワード is where you put your password. 3:性別 is where you put your gender. Click either 男性(male) or 女性(female). Click the button below. Then you see the checking page so click 送信(send) so you will receive a confirmation email as same as the one in Seven Eleven. Open the link showing on the email and you are ready to use the wifi in FamilyMart.


Various cafes offer free wi-fi throughout Japan.

Starbucks Coffee

You might already know, the world famous coffee shop offers free wifi around the world. In Japan, access to SSID named “at_STARBUCKS_Wi2” then input your information to register or you can login with your facebook account. They have English page available for the registation.

Doutor Coffee
Doutor Coffee offers free wifi through the Wi2 service from wire and wireless service. In order to connect to the internet, you need to obtain a guest code by sending an empty email to dcs@forguest.wi2.ne.jp. Soon after, you receive the email address with a guest code. Copy the code showing next to ゲストコード(guest code) then access to Wi2premium. Open the browser then the portal site. Click the guest tab then paste the guest code to access to the internet.

Tully's Coffee
In Tully’s, you can access to the internet without registration. Just connect to tullys_Wi-Fi and click “access to the internet” in a portal page.

Ginza Renoir
To access to the Ginza Renoir wifi, as same as Doutor Coffee, you need to get a guest code by sending an empty email to “ren@forguest.wi2.ne.jp”, then get a guest code showing in an email received. Connect to “Renoir_Miyama_Wi-Fi” and paste the code then enter to connect to the internet.

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