Japanese Traditional Toys: Shabonbou!

※This article was published at February 2015.※

Have you ever heard of Shabonbou?

If you search in google for “しゃぼん棒” the result will turn out something like this:


Usually it is the one that we need to blow and make bubbles. 

But not this one.


I found this on my way out from the Sensoji temple. 

This it the Shabonbou that I found and it is pretty interesting. 

You see people wearing spectacles and the Shabonbou in front of him. 

You will see that it looks like a bubble. 

This is very popular in Japanese Television show, that is why it is the best seller for Japanese Traditional Toys. 

With this Shabonbou you can turn it into different kind of shapes.






And even simple bubble…

Maybe you can buy this for yourself or for omiyage gifts to your family and friends. 

Try to check this out, only in Japan!

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