Only in Japan: Hasu Roots as.......Decoration?!

While walking around the Kameido area in Tokyo, we found these strange roots in front of a grocery store.  
Can you guess what it is?

Those roots are called “hasu” roots, lotus roots or “seroja” in Indonesian.

Lotus roots are edible while young, they are very common in Japanese food.
When edible, the roots are called “renkon”, not to be mistaken by the inedible ones.

Roots in front of this store grew too much to be eaten, so the shop is selling them as a decoration.

Just put them in water and enjoy it growing!
If you’re lucky and are a skilled gardener, you may have some beautiful flowers.
Have you ever had lotus roots?

More about lotus roots, “seroja” in Indonesian :

Survey[Survei] Liburan ke Jepang
