LULUN SHEET MASKS Let’s start to give moisture to your skin every day

I always found this cute SHEET MASKT at drug stores when I shopped around. I didn’t know about the Lululun brand and the mask, however finally I decided to use the mask for my dry and oily skin because of the weather.  It wasn’t so expensive at all.

I told you guys, the most important thing for skin was lift our make-up before going to bed. The next important thing is giving moisture to our face


I’ve noticed something..It says those sheet masks could cover for dark circle as well. (under the eyes)


The sheets are closed in a box and you can close it back one you take your sheet every day. When I open it, I feel there is sooooo much water in side of the mask box. It will make my skin moisture for a month hopefully
Be careful when you take the sheet it might be difficult to take only one sheet. Sometimes two sheets or three sheets.

I usually apply the mask before sleeping after taking a bath or shower. This is my personal skin moisturizing step, but if you like it you can try of my skin step as well <3

Step 1
: Take a shower or a bath
Step 2: Apply your daily skin care cosmetic.
Step 3: Apply the Lululun sheet mask
Step 4: Go to bed and waiting for 10-15 mins (closing eyes and relaxing.)
Step 5: Apply night cream and going to sleep. zZZ

When I use the sheet after using for my face, I also apply the sheet on my neck and my lips.
It is like killing two birds with one stone J giving your face around moisture very reasonable way.
Please try it If you like it <3


I found something this special mask as well. This mask is made for aging care, winkle and whitening. I will try those type to see


This violet sheet mask
is special 7 days use. This sheets are closed in zip bag I would bring to my travel.

I would like to advice about one thing. Please be careful when you are having face time with your loved one home with the mask!! You must look like a ghost

Name: LuLuLun Sheet Masks  
Reference price:JPY 1620


Name: LuLuLun precious  
Reference price:JPY 400

Name: LuLuLun Blue
Reference price:JPY 400


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