Many of you want to go to Japan. For such a short trip, you need recommendation of places to visit, things to do and so forth. And talking about recommendation, today we will introduce to Japanese words Osusume(お勧め)
In Japanese, recommendation is called Osusume(お勧め)
Osusume comes from verb Susumeru (勧める) which means to recommend, or to give one encouragement. Susume (勧め) is a noun. It becomes honorific when the O (お) before. In other words, Osusume (お勧め) means recommendation, encouragement, invitation.
When Japanese people try to find good places to hang out such as restaurants and hot springs, they have a habit to ask recommendation and word-of-mouth of friends. By listening to the recommendation, create pre-image of places they want to visit, Japanese people prevent chance of upset so that they can spend their time more enjoyable.
In places like restaurant there is also a thing called recommended menu.
Now let’s learn the word in the sentence!
l Nihon ni kitara onsen ni haitte sashimi wo taberu no ga osusume desu.
l If you come to Japan, I recommend you to go to hot spring and eat sashimi
l Kono mise no osusumeha nan desuka?
l What is recommended product of this shop?
Thesaurus: These is other word related to osusume:
★ Tenchou no ichi oshi wa udon desu.
(店長のイチ押しはうどんです。)(Osusume≒Ichi oshi )
Restoran manager most recommended menu is udon
Do you understand the meaning? Use them when you come to Japan!
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