ii desuka?(いいですか?) Fun! Japan Words vol.68


It’s essential to be able to ask something in the language to have a great time in a foreign country.

We’ve introduced several phrases and terms that are useful when travelling in Japan, but here’s one that could be used at any situation.

いいですか?(ii desuka?)

This literally means “Is it good?” or “Is it fine?”, but it covers a vast variety of expressions. Here are some examples.

Asking for permission
“May I ask you something?” = “shitumon ii desuka?”
“May I take a picture?” or “Can you take a picture?” = “shashin ii desuka?”

Confirming something
“Should I take the Ginza-line?” = “Ginza-sen de ii desuka?”

Asking for a favor
“Would you repeat that?” = “Mou ichido ii desuka?”
“Would you give me a minute?” = “Chotto ii desuka?”

What’s great about this phrase, is that you could simply add any word you know before “ii desuka?” and make perfect sense.

No need for a phrase book, just know how to use “ii desuka?” if you are travelling to Japan!

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