Autumn-themed Gari Gari Kun ice, Mont-Blanc flavour

Gari Gari Kun is one of the most iconic Japanese popsicle brand in Japan.
You can find it absolutely everywhere and in every convenience store.

The most standard and famous flavour is the soda, and the blue-colored popsicle is almost synonymous to Japanese summer when everyone eats it.

Another thing that makes this popsicle so special aside from its taste is the lottery feature, where you’d find “当り(win)” written on the bar and you could get an extra one.

Gari Gari Kun has released several seasonal flavours like nashi pear, tangerine, or strange stuff like tomato spaghetti, corn soup, or cream stew taste (yikes!)

Starting this year, there have a special collaboration with 7/11 so you’ll find popsicles flavored with famous 7/11 sweets like cream puffs, but the special feature this month is the chestnut mont-blanc flavour!


These popsicles are branded as premium goods and are a little bit more expensive than normal ones.

Here is the outside.


Let me take a bite!


You can see that there’s a chestnut flavoured coating, a whipped cream flavour layer, and chestnut cream in the middle.

It tastes surprisingly good and the calories are not very high, less than 150 kcal for one.

If you got a “win” stick, you can receive a real Mont Blanc cake in 7/11!


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