Lee’s Foodblog:Tori Negi Shio (Spring Onion and Salted Chicken) on a Hot Summer Day

Ever felt like you wanted a salty but at the same time, refreshing snack on a hot day?? 

Since it is now summer in Japan, I have been sweating quite a lot and craving salty snacks all day long! 

However, ramen is usually too big a portion to be considered a “snack” for me, and yakitori (somewhat similar to sate ayam) is usually too small a portion as a snack and I have to end up eating 3 or 4 sticks.


When I was browsing around Takashimaya’s food department a few days ago, I found just the perfect snack that I have been looking for this whole summer ? 
the Tori Negi Shio

These chicken thigh pieces are usually roasted with just the right amount of salt until the skin is nice and crispy. 
Then, fresh spring onions are sprinkled onto the warm chicken.


To fully enjoy the meal, a packet of salt and lemon juice is included for you to sprinkle on your chicken before consuming. 
The salt adds a bit of “kick” to the spring onion, while the lemon juice provides just the right amount of balance to the salt, and makes the overall taste quite refreshing!

At a price of 400-500 Yen, this meal is very affordable and ideal for the diet conscious travelers due to the portion size. 

You should be able to find this delicious treat at most Takashimaya food department store. 


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