Hokkaido is known for its Sapporo Snow Festival and many winter events, but actually, we also recommend visiting in the summer. The reason is that the climate is comfortable, and you can enjoy leisure activities such as lavender fields, fireworks festivals, and night walks, regardless of age. Therefore, in this article, we will introduce recommended activities in summer in Hokkaido from June to August, divided into three genres.

※The information featured in this article is as of February 2024. Please check the official website or other sources for the latest event information in advance.

What is the summer climate and average temperature in Hokkaido? What kind of clothing is recommended?

What is the summer climate and average temperature in Hokkaido? What kind of clothing is recommended?

If you're visiting Hokkaido in the summer, it's a good idea to first understand the climate characteristics and average temperatures of each region.

Sapporo, Otaru and others (Sea of Japan side)
Kushiro, Hakodate and others (Pacific Ocean side)
Abashiri, Monbetsu and others (Sea of Okhotsk side)
Asahikawa, Biei and others (Inland)
Summer climate characteristics
There is basically no rainy season, and June and July are relatively dry periods of the year

In recent years, there have been days when the highest temperature of the day exceeds 30℃
Even in summer, there are many days when the temperature does not reach 20℃, making it cool and easy to sightsee

There are many days when warm, humid air is cooled by cold currents, causing sea fog

Even in the hottest month of August, the highest average temperature is below 25℃, making the climate comfortable

The average temperature is lower than the Sea of Japan side and inland areas, but it is not uncommon for the temperature to exceed 30 degrees

One of the characteristics of the cities in the prefecture is the large temperature difference

There are days when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, but the temperature drops in the morning and evening, and there are many days when the temperature difference of the day is around 10 degrees

Average monthly temperature
  1. June
  2. July
  3. August


  1. 17.0℃
  2. 21.1℃
  3. 22.3℃


  1. 12.2℃
  2. 16.1℃
  3. 18.2℃ 


  1. 13.5℃
  2. 17.6℃
  3. 19.6℃


  1. 17.0℃
  2. 20.7℃
  3. 21.2℃

Source: Japan Meteorological Agency website

*All are normal values from 1991 to 2020 (annual and monthly values)

Sapporo (Ishikari region)
Kushiro (Kushiro region)
Abashiri (Abashiri, Kitami, Monbetsu region)
Asahikawa (Kamikawa region)
What is the summer climate and average temperature in Hokkaido? What kind of clothes are recommended?

In Hokkaido, the summer often sees daytime temperatures exceeding 20℃, but the nights are relatively cool, and you may even feel a bit chilly on some days. Therefore, it's recommended to spend the day in short-sleeved tops and to wear a light jacket in the morning and evening or when visiting areas where the temperature doesn't reach 20℃ even in summer. It's also a good idea to bring insect repellent when visiting flower fields.

In Japan, the period from late May to early July generally sees a lot of rain, a season known as the "rainy season" (梅雨 / Tsuyu). However, in Hokkaido, there is no period where it rains enough to be called a "rainy season". Despite that, during the same period as the rainy season, there are years when "Ezo rainy season", a series of chilly days with drizzle and cloudy weather, continues, so it's a good idea to carry a folding umbrella.

Recommended for summer trips to Hokkaido ①: Lavender Fields

From June to August in Hokkaido, you can enjoy various flowers such as lily of the valley, hydrangea, and sunflowers, but the lavender, which is particularly popular and reaches its best viewing period from late June to late July, stands out among them all. In addition to the lavender fields in Furano City, Kamifurano Town, Nakafurano Town, and Biei, which are about 2 hours by car from Sapporo, there are also some hidden spots in the suburbs of Sapporo.

【Nakafurano Town】Farm Tomita

【Nakafurano Town】Farm Tomita

The Furano area, which includes cities and towns like Furano City and Nakafurano Town, is a place where you can enjoy touring lavender fields. One of the places that made Furano's lavender fields famous is "Farm Tomita". The lavender fields in the park are dyed purple all over the hill from late June to late July, reaching their peak. In addition, the popular lavender soft serve ice cream and lavender ramune can be enjoyed, and souvenirs such as lavender oil can be purchased, which is also attractive.

In the surrounding area, there are also places like Furano City's "Highland Furano" and Kamifurano Town's "Flower Land Kamifurano", where you can enjoy accommodations, hot springs, and meals in addition to viewing lavender.

  • Address: Kisen Kita 15, Nakafurano Town, Sorachi District
  • Business hours: 09:00~17:00 (subject to change depending on the season)
  • Fee: Free
  • Access: About 7 minutes on foot from "Lavender Field Station" on the JR Furano Line
  • Official website: https://www.farm-tomita.co.jp/

JR Hokkaido 'Furano & Biei Norokko Train'
Image provided by: JR Hokkaido

💡Tourism TIPS

The "Furano-Biei Norokko" train operated by JR Hokkaido, which only runs from summer to autumn. From the train window, you can leisurely enjoy the view of blooming lavender fields. During the season, a temporary station "Lavender Field Station" is set up, making it a convenient means of transportation for tourists traveling to Farm Tomita by train.

*Usually operates from June to September. Please check the latest information on the JR Hokkaido website, etc.

【Biei Town】Panoramic Flower Gardens Shikisai-no-oka

【Biei Town】Observation Flower Field Shikisai no Oka

From late April to late October, you can see flowers of all seasons at "Shikisai-no-oka, panoramic flower gardens". Lavender begins to bloom around late June. Take a ride on the "Shikisai Norokko" tractor bus, which makes a round of the park in about 15 minutes, and take commemorative photos with the panoramic flower garden in the background.

After enjoying a stroll, take a break at a shop overlooking the flower garden while eating soft serve ice cream made with Biei fresh milk. Feeding at the alpaca farm is very popular with small children.

  • Address: Shinsei Daisan, Biei Town, Kamikawa District
  • Business hours: 【June to September】08:40~17:30
    *Varies by season
  • Admission fee: 【July to September】500 yen for high school students and above, 300 yen for elementary and junior high school students, free for children under elementary school age
  • Access: About 12 minutes by taxi from JR Biei Station
  • Official website: https://www.shikisainooka.jp/

【Sapporo City】Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park

【Sapporo City】National Takino Suzuran Hillside Park

Actually, it is said that Hokkaido is the birthplace of lavender, specifically in Sapporo. In the vicinity of Sapporo, there are many lavender spots that are easily accessible by bus or train, such as the "Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park", "Hokkaido Makomanai Park", and "Makomanai Takino Cemetery".

Among them, the lavender at the National Takino Suzuran Hillside Park is at its best from mid-July to late July. In the approximately 400ha site, in addition to flower fields, there are large playground equipment, waterfall tours, water play, BBQ, etc., and there are plenty of activities that families can enjoy while in Sapporo city.

  • Address: 247 Takino, Minami-ku, Sapporo
  • Business hours: 【June-August】09:00-18:00
    *Varies depending on the season
  • Fee: Adults 450 yen, under 15 free
  • Access: About 32 minutes by Hokkaido Chuo Bus from Sapporo Municipal Subway "Makomanai Station"
  • Official website: https://www.takinopark.com/

Recommended for summer trips to Hokkaido ②: Summer festivals and fireworks at hot spring resorts

One of the things to look forward to on a summer trip to Hokkaido is the festivals and fireworks displays held at famous hot spring resorts. To make it easier to plan your trip, we have selected three fireworks displays that are not one-day events, but are held over several days.

【Toyako Onsen】Lake Toyako Long Run Fireworks Display

【Toyako Onsen】Toyako Long Run Fireworks Display

The "Lake Toyako Long Run Fireworks Display" is one of the largest long-run fireworks festivals in Hokkaido, where you can enjoy both aerial and water fireworks. Unlike typical fireworks festivals, it is held every night for about half a year. The large, colorful fireworks that open in the night sky are reflected on the lake surface, adding color to the entire hot spring town.

While you can watch the fireworks from the inns scattered around the lakeside, the recommended way to enjoy them is from a fireworks viewing boat. The boat moves across the lake for 2km, allowing you to enjoy the fireworks being launched almost directly in front of you.

  • Address: Toyako Onsen Lakeside, Toyako Town, Abuta District
  • Duration: Usually from late April to the end of October
    *In 2024, it will be from April 28 to October 31
  • Time: 20:45~ for about 20 minutes
  • Access: About 20 minutes by Donan Bus from JR Toya Station
  • Official Website: https://www.laketoya.com/

【Sounkyo Onsen】Sounkyo Onsen Gorge Fire Festival Summer Fireworks

【Sounkyo Onsen】Sounkyo Onsen Gorge Fire Festival Summer Fireworks

The Sounkyo Onsen in Kamikawa County, famous for its "Sounkyo Onsen Icefall Festival". The "Sounkyo Onsen Gorge Fire Festival", which is usually held in summer, is also a must-see.

During the approximately 2-week event period, various performances such as drum dances (only on the first day), Ainu ethnic dances of the indigenous people of Hokkaido, and fire dances of flames will be showcased. The climax of each day's festival is the summer fireworks launched every night from 20:30 (21:00 only on the first day). The sound of the launch echoing in the gorge is very powerful!

  • Address: Special Stage, Sounkyo Shopping Street, Kamikawa Town, Sounkyo

  • Event period: Usually late July to mid-August
    Please check the official website for the 2024 event information
  • Event time:
    【Only on the first day】Main festival 18:30~, Summer fireworks 21:00~
    【From the second day onwards】Main festival 20:00~, Summer fireworks 20:30~
    All times, including those in the text, are tentative
  • Access: About 30 minutes by Dohoku Bus from JR Kamikawa Station
  • Official website: https://sounkyo.net/

Noboribetsu Onsen: Jigokudani Demon Fireworks

Noboribetsu Onsen: Demon Fireworks of Hell Valley

One of the summer traditions of Noboribetsu Onsen is the "Jigokudani Demon Fireworks". This is a ritual where the guardian deities of Noboribetsu Onsen, known as "Yukijin" (hot spring demons), carry handheld fireworks and launch approximately 8m high fireworks while praying for people's happiness and disaster prevention.

With the sound of gongs and drums, a procession of red and blue Oni (demon) gods appear, each lighting a hand-held firework at the signal of the gong, and finally, everyone lights up at once. The performance, which recreates the eruption of Hell Valley, is very powerful, and after it ends, you can take commemorative photos with the Oni gods.

  • Address: Hell Valley Observatory, Noboribetsu Onsen Town, Noboribetsu City
  • Event period: Varies each year
    *In 2024, it will be held every Monday and Thursday in June. The schedule for subsequent years will be announced on the official website of the Noboribetsu International Tourism Convention Association as soon as it is decided.
  • Event time: 20:00~Approximately 15 minutes
  • Access: About 27 minutes by Donan Bus from JR Noboribetsu Station
  • Official website: https://noboribetsu-spa.jp/

Recommended for summer trips to Hokkaido ③: Light Up & Night Walk Events

In Hokkaido, illumination and light-up events are held not only in winter but also in summer as well. What sets it apart from the city is the use of nature in the lighting. Participate in two events that can be enjoyed for a long period from summer, and fully enjoy the special experience unique to the summer nights of Hokkaido.



Accessible in about an hour by bus from Sapporo Station is Jozankei Onsen. At the "JOZANKEI NATURE LUMINARIE", held from summer to autumn, you can enjoy illuminations and projection mapping produced by the creative group NAKED. Let's go on a night walk with different expressions in each area, such as trees dressed up, fantastical paths and spaces, on the walking path in the hot spring town. Please note that the event is only open to guests staying at Jozankei Onsen. Please participate with the free admission ticket distributed by each accommodation facility.

  • Address: 4-chome, Nishi Jozankei Onsen, Minami-ku, Sapporo City, Futami Park ~ Futami Suspension Bridge
  • Event period: Usually early June to late October
  • Event time: 【June to August】19:00~21:00, 【September to October】18:00~21:00
  • Access: About 60 minutes by direct bus "Kappa Liner" from Sapporo Station to Jozankei Onsen. Shuttle bus between the hot spring town and the venue is operated every Friday to Sunday and on holidays from mid-July to the end of the event
  • Official website: https://jozankei.jp/event/luminarie/

【Lake Akan Onsen】KAMUY LUMINA

【Akan Lake Hot Springs】KAMUY LUMINA
ⒸMoment Factory

The experiential night walk event 'KAMUY LUMINA', set in the forest by Lake Akan, is based on a story that has been passed down among the Ainu, the indigenous people of the area.

Through a digital experience linked with rhythm sticks distributed at the entrance, you will proceed along a natural promenade of about 1.2km for about 50 minutes. Projection mapping and stage settings are deployed in each zone, and once you pass through the eight zones while receiving messages from owls, your mission is complete. The sounds, lights, and images that make use of the nature of Akan in the dark forest are perfect for making summer memories.

  • Address: 1-5-20, Akan Hot Springs, Akan Town, Kushiro City
  • Event period: Mid-May to mid-November every year
    *In 2024, it will be held from May 11 (Sat) to November 9 (Sat)
  • Event time: Varies by month
  • Price:
    【Adult】Advance 3,000 yen, On the day 3,500 yen
    【Child】Advance 1,500 yen, On the day 1,700 yen
  • Access: About 70 minutes from Tancho Kushiro Airport to Akan Lake Bus Center by Akan Airport Liner
  • Official website: https://www.kamuylumina.jp/

Enjoy the unique summer of Hokkaido from June to August!

Summer in Hokkaido is the perfect season to enjoy the great outdoors and events such as fireworks festivals held in various places.

However, Hokkaido is vast, and apart from urban areas, long-distance travel is involved, so if you plan to tour multiple regions, you need to consider transportation in advance. Trains and buses are convenient if you want to focus on sightseeing in a specific area, but if you want to tour multiple cities, renting a car or domestic flights connecting various regions in Hokkaido are efficient. Find the best mode of transportation to suit the events you want to participate in.

Complete Guide to Transportation for Hokkaido Travel!

Recommended Sightseeing Spots for Hokkaido Travel
