A Little Town Uchiko in Ehime prefecture to Feel Japanese Culture

Uchiko-cho is located 25 minutes away from JR Matsuyama station and 1 hour away from Dogo Onsen Station. There is an area which has retained its traditionally built town houses and mansions owned by wealthy merchants with their light yellow walls and tiled roofs. You can rent a kimono and stroll around the town. 

Uchiko Town to Stroll around in Kimono

This is an old Japanese house with a 140 year history where you can be dressed up in a kimono. Moreover, you can walk and eat food around Uchiko town while wearing the kimono. In the kimono course, you can choose the kimono you like and choose a half width cloth Obi belt or traditional style Obi belt (50 kinds) for 4,500 yen (plus an extra 500 yen for Tabi socks). The Yukata course costs 3,500yen and you can choose from 20 kinds of Yukata (a light, summer kimono). You can have your hair arranged by a hairdresser for 1,500 yen. The prices are quite reasonable.

Spot Information

  • Name: Uchiko no Wa handicrafts craftsman's house
  • Address: 2899-2 Uchiko, Uchiko-cho, Kita-gun, Ehime 
  • Opening Hours: Mon. - Fri. 10: 00-16: 00 (Kimono returns 15:30), Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays 10: 00-17: 00 (Kimono returns 16:30)
  • Regular holidays: Closed on Thursdays

Uchiko-za Theatre with a history of over 100 years

Uchiko-za has been used as a theatre since it was built in 1916 and still is even now. It is 2 stories high with a tiled roof and you can feel its history from its appearance. Inside, there is a revolving stage, box seats, dressing rooms, and a theatre basement where you can see the high quality Japanese architecture. In 1985, they kept faithful to the original design when they restored it. 

Spot Information

  • Name: Uchiko-za
  • Address: 2102 Uchiko, Uchiko-cho, Kita-gun
  • Opening hours: 9:00-16:30. Regular holidays: closed for New Years (12/29-01/02)
  • Admission fee: adults: 400 yen, primary and junior high school age: 200 yen, infants: free 

Uchiko Town's Oldest Townhouse

If you walk around Uchiko town, you should definitely check out Honhaga family house and an Important Cultural Asset, the Omura family house. This house was built in 1889 by the Honhaga family who made a fortune for the production of Japanese wax. The heavy, Shikkui-nurigome (solid plaster walled) structure has carvings called Kote-e pictures and the Namako wall design displayed. Moreover, the white wax of the Honhaga family is high quality, so it has even been displayed at world expos in Paris, Chicago and St Louis. (Only some sections of the Honhaga family house garden available for viewing) The Omura building which was built between 1789 and 1801 is the oldest building in the town. It is the old townhouse architectural style before Uchiko became prosperous from the production of Japanese wax. Look and compare it with the buildings adjoined to the Honhaga family building, (The interior of the Omura building is not open to the public). 

Spot Information

  • Name: Important Cultural Property Honhaga Family House
  • Address: 2888 Uchiko, Uchiko-cho, Kita-gun
  • Opening hours: 9: 00-16: 30 (Only the garden and exterior can be visited)
  • Closed: Garden open every day. Exterior observation OK. 

Spot Information

  • Name: Important Cultural Property Omura Family House
  • Address: 2892 Uchiko, Uchiko-cho, Kita-gun

Uchiko Town Museum 

A museum that has recreations of town houses and pharmacies. The medicines and books lined up on the shelf, signs and store products are unlike anything seen in the modern Japanese lifestyle. In the event space, scenery with realistic dolls and food unfolds, so you can get a glimpse of lifestyle in old Japan. 

Spot Information

  • Name: Uchiko Town Museum
  • Address: 1938 Uchiko, Uchiko-cho, Kita-gun
  • Opening hours: 9:30-16:30
  • Holidays: Closed for the New Year holiday (December 29th to January 2nd)
  • Admission fee: Adults 200 yen / Primary and junior high school students 100 yen

