Recommended Facilities & Hotels in Satsuma Peninsula, Japan with Great Variety of Hot Springs

Facilities and hotels with great hot springs are simply abundant in Satsuma peninsula. Especially in Ibusuki city, there is a huge number of wonderful facilities like steam sand baths and outdoor hot spas with breathtaking views. This time, we would like to introduce three hot spring hotels and facilities. 

Tamatebako Hot Springs- A Facility with Outdoor Hot Springs with Breathtaking Views

Tamatebako Hot Springs is a famous hot spring facility with breathtaking scenic views by the sea. There are two outdoor baths for the two genders, which switch with each other every day. The “Japanese outdoor bath” comes with a magnificent view of Mt. Kaimondake, one of the top 3 mountains in Japan. On the other hand, the “Western outdoor bath” provides a superb close-up of Mt. Takeyama with wild igneous rocks. Yet, both are artistic constitutions of mountains and sea. Yakushima, Takeshima, and Iouto islands can be seen on sunny days.

If you were looking for accommodation nearby, we strongly recommend you head to the coastal side around JR Ibusuki station as hotels with great hot springs and guest houses are highly concentrated in the area, they are always ready to provide specialties prepared with local ingredients too. In the area, you can find accommodation packages for 1-stay and 2-meal at around 10,000 yen. (As of July 2019)

Spot information

  • Spot name: Tamatebako Hot Springs

  • Address: 3292, Yamagawa Fukumoto, Ibusuki-city, Kagoshima (zip code 891-0511)
  • Access:Yamagawa station 🡪 [Kagoshima kotsu bus] approx. 12-min 🡪 Bus stop “Healthy land entrance (Herushi rando iriguchi)… walk for about 5-min
  • Wi-Fi: Available (IBUSUKI CITY FREE Wi-Fi)
  • Language: English
  • Credit cards: No credit cards accepted

Ginsho, the Hotel with Outdoors Hot Springs for Couples- Hot Springs & Guests Rooms with Ocean Views

“Ginsho, the Hotel with Outdoors Hot Springs for Couples” is located in a marvelous location with a panoramic view of Kinko Bay. Take in breathtaking views connected the sky and the sea to the hot spring on the roof floor of the main complex. The panoramic sea view, the sounds of the waves at the public bath on the 2nd floor are also a salve for the senses and body.

Almost all Japanese, western, Japanese-&-western rooms come with an ocean view, not to mention the large number of spacious rooms with a private outdoor especially designed for couples.    

Besides the hot springs and the rooms, the meals are also attractive. At the center of the restaurant, there is a unique table with natural hot spring gushes out so guests can do some cooking of eggs or tofu there to eat. Dinners are always decent course sets of on Kagoshima specialties like “satsuma fries” prepared from fresh fish; and breakfasts are in Japanese style, prepared with local ingredients. In addition, there is a souvenir shop and an observatory deck giving a mood of the south with palm trees. Come and have some relaxing moments here!

Spot information

  • Spot name: Ginsho, the Hotel with Outdoors Hot Springs for Couples

  • Address: 5, Yunohama, Ibusuki-city, Kagoshima (zip code 891-0406)
  • Access:Kagoshima Chuo station 🡪 [JR Express Ibusuki no Tanatebako] approx. 1-hour 🡪 Ibusuki station… walk for about 25-min
  • Wi-Fi: Available (IBUSUKI CITY FREE Wi-Fi)
  • Language: English
  • Credit cards: VISA, MasterCard, JCB, AMERICAN EXPRESS, Diners Club International

Steam Sand Bath, the Only Natural Sand’s Bath in Japan

Steam sand bath has been around in Ibusuki for 300 years. To enjoy the interesting bath you first head to the spot with the special yukata wear and have your whole body buried in the sand, except your face. Soon then you feel the weight and heat of the sand that blood circulation is enhanced. The bath is said to be good at curing aches and detoxing through a large amount of sweat. Lastly, you wash your body with the hot spring water and feel your whole body unwound and soothed.  

Hotels with nice steam sand are concentrated around JR Ibusuki station at 10,000 yen – 20,000. If you want to save your budget a bit, you can head to hot spring facilities like “Steam sand place SARAKU”, which the largest steam sand facility in the city then find your shelter in relatively cheaper guesthouses around the JR Ibusuki station. The admission fee for bathing facilities is usually around 1,000 yen and guest houses are usually available under 5,000 yen . (As of July 2019)

